viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2016


Guys Hallloween has passed and I´m very happy with the Halloween I passed with my Friends.
Here do you have somcostumes and ideas of my Halloween.

Is a genial idea for a costume isn´t it.

They are so qute aren´t they.

It´s a good idea for Halloween. A terrorific Halloween juice.
Guys I hope you hada TERRORIFIC HALLOWEEN.

Famous people.

Hi guys!
My favourite singer is Demi Lovato.
The thing that left me surprise was the fights that she had to do in her live.
She had a very defficult live.
Here you have a video about all her fights in her live.

She saw me that any step any rack you have in the Street you can pass over it and finally you can find happines.

Here there are some of the songs of demi lovato.
This song is called TWO PIECES.

Demi Lovato also did lots of films and series:




Guys if you want to find more information about demi lovato just look for it.
She is a very nice and beautifull girl.
I hope you liked it!

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016

Hair styles.

Hi guys!
Today I´m gonna show you some easy hair styles.

If you want to know more about this videos above you can visit:
This girl does beatifull hair styles.

Well guys I hope you enjoyed!

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

Dress of dream.

Hi guys today I´m going to show you some dresses that will leave you in shock.

This dress is from the disney film: CENICIENTA.
I´ve take this photo from:

I can only say:

In this photo I couldn´t find the website were i Found it.

Guys I hope you enjoyed this dreaming dresses.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016


Hi guys!
Today I´m going to talk about some books that are so amazing that will leave you in shock.
I hope you enjoy:
the first one is:

Layla, seventeen, just wants to be normal. But with a kiss that kills anyone who has a soul, it is anything but normal. Half demon, half gargoyle, Layla has abilities that nobody else has. Maid between the Guardians-a race of gargoyles that has the mission to hunt demons and keep humanity to safe-, Layla tries to find his place, but that means hide his dark side those he loves most. Zayne especially attractive, a Guardian who has been in love ever since. When you least expect it, Layla knows Roth, a sexy, tattooed demon who claims to know all its secrets. Layla is aware that should stay away from that guy, but there is something that prevents it ... especially when he realizes that his kisses are not fatal, since Roth has no soul. But at the time Layla discovers that she is the reason for the violent demonic uprising, Roth trust can not only ruin your chance with Zayne ... I could turn it into a traitor to his family. It could worse, bring it to a one-way trip to the end of the world.(TOOK THE PLOT FROM: INVESTIGANDOUNMUNDODELIBROS)

Here there is another book:

Demons, werewolves, vampires, angels and fairies live in this urban fantasy trilogy where no lack of romance. In Pandemonium, the trendy nightclub New York, Clary follows an attractive blue-haired boy until his death at the hands presence of three young covered with strange tattoos. Since that night, his fate joins those three Shadowhunters, warriors dedicated to rid the earth of demons and, above all, to Jace, a boy angel-like tendency to act like an idiot ... From 14 years. Shadowhunters is the title of the trilogy that began with City of Bones: an urban fantasy populated by vampires, demons, werewolves, fairies, real romance and explosive action. This genre is clearly in alza.Una dark tale of love and demons, you catch all(took from CASA DEL LIBRO)

Here there is another:
A life without love is a life without pain: safe, measured, predictable and happy. So when XXII century Americans turn 18, they undergo an intervention that involves the removal of part of the brain that controls emotions. Lena hopes that moment forward, until one day goes by what he fears most and falls.

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016

free time

Hi guys!
Have you ever though about doing other things instead of being with the movile phone?
For example, dance, sing, read, paint...
My favourite thing to do is to spent time with my Friends.
Also a thing that i love to do is painting. Here you have one of my paintings:

It´s amazing isn´t it?

Also you can spend time cooking delicious things and surprise your family.


You can also read some interesting books.
This is a book full of mystery wich you will enjoy a lot.
it´s so interesting that you won´t stop Reading it.
here there is a video about that book.
guys i hope yu enjoyed!

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2016


Hi guys!
Today I´m going to teach you how to do some easy recipies that are delicious.

chocolate mousse recipie

This is a delicious recipie wich you will enjoy a lot.

frozen fruit smothies


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 glass frozen fruit
  • 2 heaped tablespoons natural yoghurt
  • 1 small handful oats
  • 1 small handful mixed nuts
  • 1 glass organic soya milk, skimmed milk or apple juice
  • hone          


  1. Peel and slice your banana and put it into a blender with your frozen fruit and the yoghurt. Whiz it up and add the oats and nuts. Add the soya milk, skimmed milk, or apple juice and whiz again, until nice and smooth. If it's a bit too thick for you, just add a splash more milk or juice and whiz around again. Give it a good stir, then have a taste. Rarely with a frozen fruit smoothie should you need to sweeten it, but if you think it needs a bit of extra sweetness you can add a little honey to taste — you won't need much.
So guys i hope you enjoyed