

Hi guys!
Today we are going to talk about a serious problem that affects almost everyone.
Security on the Internet.
There are some people who use the Internet without security and that´s a very big problem.

Sorry because this video is in Spanish but i couldn´t find it in English.
This video is about adiction to the Internet.
I think we must use Internet beacuse is a very helpful machine but safe.

Guys I hope you enjoyed!

Hi again guys!
This time I´m going to talk you about ciberbulling.

This is an example of cyberbulling that is very common nowdays.

The common error of kids is that when they see that someone is doing that to other person they don´t protect that is getting damaged. We have to get concious about what we are doing.

You have to see that when you do that you damaged the other person feelings and thats horrible.
Now these message is for people that suffer cyberbulling:

If you are experiencing cyberbullying or other any bulling you have to tell for help. You will never conceal this or you close your band, even though they tell you if you will do anything contais. You must they tell you not do anything. 

Well guys, live de life!

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